We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of battered women and abused children by providing bodyguards at an affordable fee for service, on a sliding scale, based on income and assets. By partnering with law enforcement agencies, women's shelters, and child abuse prevention services, we address the needs of potentia
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of battered women and abused children by providing bodyguards at an affordable fee for service, on a sliding scale, based on income and assets. By partnering with law enforcement agencies, women's shelters, and child abuse prevention services, we address the needs of potential victims when and where it is greatest, and with the highest integrity.
Our Mission: To provide personal protection
to prevent cruelty and abuse to women and children.
Our Cause: To protect the innocent, to stand for what's right, and
to balance the scales against predators that prey on the innocent.
Our Values: Chivalry, Honor, Integrity, & Justice
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